Wednesday, November 26, 2014

11/24/2014 - Thank you Angel with the Red Dress On!

I had three memorable dreams in the last week.

The first dream occurred on 11/23/2014.

My dream was fairly simple. A rather pale girl about 14 or so with straw colored hair (whitish blonde to be exact).

All she wanted to do was play a simple board game with her.

A voice inside me was saying you need to encourage her to pass over to the other side.

So I played the game and encouraged her to follow the I saw on TV. :-)

I told her she would be happier on the other side and people would be there to greet her.

The dream ended and I felt satisfied I had helped her.

Never had a dream like that before. But  then I had another ghost dream the following night on 11/24/2014.

The 11/24/2014 dream was with a different "entity". It is was a flashy young girl about 25 or so. She was in a short, vibrant red dress on...definitely your aggressive, Type A personality.

She said she was sent down from "above" to help guide me but she what she really wanted to personally do while she was visiting me was to get in a hot car and drive with the "metal to the pedal" on a long, winding rode!

I tell you right now, this isn't me talking...

Anyway, we got in a car in my dream and started driving. The dream morphed into driving to visit my mother. On the way we stopped at a gas station and to my surprise John Lennon from the Beatles were playing an impromptu concert there. I thought that was cool but, as you may know, John Lennon is no longer with us in real life.

So we drove for awhile and it seemed like a frivolous way to spend my time so I asked her what this was all about since my mom already had passed away, as well.

She said something funny and I laughed.

Then she said, "All I wanted to really do was see you smile!"

Now that was genuinely sweet. Brings a tear to my eye.

Apparently, I haven't been smiling enough lately.

I know I have been too concerned with unimportant things in the past few days.

Thank you Angel with the Red Dress On!

On the night of 11/25/2014 I had a dream I can't remember too well.

What stood out is I was excited about seeing something and called my wife over to come take a look.

She was holding a baby in her arms. We are now too old to have kids. Maybe this is a glimpse at a future grandchild! :-)

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