Monday, June 23, 2014

6/23/2014 Dream Points to Reason Why I Can Predict Future Events

I had a dream the morning of 6/23/2014. I believe it was spawned by two events the previous day. The first event was my wife saying a friend posted a picture of a t-shirt they bought with the statement on it "I apologize for interrupting. I get excited about random thoughts I have."...or something like that. The other was a public television show I saw when channel surfing about how people with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) often take high risk jobs like being surgeons because they need the constant excitement to keep them focused

The dream I had on the morning of 6/23/2014 is a logical and perhaps predictive extension of those two real life events. I believe my subconscious took the previous days new knowledge and added to it. My dream stated there are three ways people process data. They process things in their brain serially (one single fact after another). People can process things in their brain randomly and react to them randomly, as well, based on the t-shirt my wife's friend posted and the public television show about people with ADD. Then my subconscious revealed I can predict future events because my brain processes things using "clustered indexes".

When I had my dream it didn't make any sense to me. I know what a  "clustered index" is when storing data in a database on a computer. A clustered index physically rearranges rows of data in a databases table in the order of key words in the clustered index. You define the physical order of   each row on the computer disk for a database table by the key words defined for the clustered index.

My subconscious is saying I can predict future events because I am able to sort real life and future events predicted in my dreams by key words, phrases and images. My monthly predictive dreams become lumped together with other experiences I have previously had so I can predict events in the future based on groups of similar words, images and phrases I have clustered together in my head.

Previous real life events are a catalyst for my subconscious to look into the future, at a quantum level, and provide key words, phrases and images occurring in the future. These future events may be totally unrelated to my previous, real life experiences but they have the same key words, phrases and images as previous, real life events I have experienced or the predictive dreams I have...the definition of Deja Vu.

What my dream is saying is the fact I am able to take the bits of future events from predictive monthly dreams and sort them in my head by key words, phrases and images to easily see the relationship between my monthly predictive dreams and future real life events I experience.

The definition of a clustered index fits the fact I track similarities between previous events I have experienced, my predictive, monthly dreams and future real life events I note because they are are all related together using the exact same key words, phrases and images. This is the definition of a "clustered index".

It makes sense being able to cluster previous real life events, predictive dreams and future events together by same key word, phrases and images to predict future events. There is even a predictive analysis technique used in data analysis called "clustering" that does the same thing in - predicting future behavior by looking at past behavior.

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