Wednesday, March 26, 2014

03-26-2014 Had a dream about Weevils (A type of Insect)

Not too exciting but I don't really think about weevils too much. I figured this dream must be showing me something that I will experience in the near future.

The way my subconscious seems to be working lately, I watch something on TV or read something in the newspaper or magazine that emotionally charges me.

This new, exciting knowledge triggers my subconscious when I go to sleep. My subconscious feeds on this new knowledge and extends it to a future event it is picking up at a quantum level. My subconscious mind wants me to be aware of what it sees because it relates to a significant, real life event occurring within the next two years.

Last night (03/25/2014) I watched the new show "Cosmos" on TV ( ). There was a bug I had never heard about and is fairly common- even in your back yard. The bug is only a pinpoint in size. I cannot remember the name of it. Apparently this odd looking, hairless bug can survive very extreme temperatures and even space travel.

The strange looking bug on the Cosmos TV show is what spawned my "weevil" dream last night.

All I remember of the dream is I recognized an image of another common bug with a beetle like body and long snout as a type of weevil ( ).

I have a strong suspicion weevils will be newsworthy somewhere in the world within the next two years.

My subconscious is telling me, "Hey, I know a strange bug impressed you last night on TV but you should also pay close attention to the weevil insects around the world in the near future.

The weevil is going to cause some strong emotional waves somewhere in the world within the next two years from 03/25/2014!" This was my first interpretation of my dream.

My logical mind just came up with an alternative interpretation of the "weevil" dream on 3/26/2014.

My logical mind is telling me to also pay attention to what is missing in the words of my "weevil" dream not the literal, word by word interpretation.

Weevil...We Evil...What came to my logical mind was it sounds like the "Three Wise Monkeys" saying..."see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".

The subconscious uses a cryptic, shorthand to communicate ideas to the conscious mind.

My logical mind started racing through its convoluted logic to interpret the cryptic subconscious "weevil" dream message using my first interpretation...

  "Weevil", "We Evil", "See no evil...".

What is missing?

  The word "no".

What is a key word describing the image of the weevil insect in my dream?

  A long skinny snout- another word for "nose".

"No" is missing might mean "nose" is missing. The human sense of "smell" is missing in the "Three Wise Monkey's" phrases.

This is an example of the convoluted logic my conscious mind has to go through to interpret the subconscious message in a dream. What I have noticed by documenting my dreams in this blog is babies learn to talk in the same way my subconscious mind "talks".

The logical mind is very good at filling in the gaps of "baby talk" to get to the real meaning of a dream because it is the way humans learn to speak.

The conscious mind uses its vast archive of historical images and phrases to fill in the subconscious gaps in "baby talk".

The previous predictive dream phrases and images documented in this blog over the last few years were automatically filtered by my logical mind on 03/26/2014, a few hours after the dream occurred.

My logic mind came up with the fact "two other predictive dreams documented in this blog had animals with snouts as prominent images in the dreams.

My logical mind alerted me of a noteworthy pattern of snouts in three predictive dreams just like it alerted me when meteors kept recurring in my predictive dreams documented in this blog. In the recent past and after my rash of "meteor" dreams there were a lot of real and unusual meteor events on earth  within our solar system...visibly crashing on Jupiter's surface or breaking the windows as the meteor crashed near a Russian city.

So a three time showing in my predictive dreams probably means the concept of "snouts" and "weevils" will be important in the near future.
With this new logical interpretation of my "snout" dreams, my subconscious may be trying to tell me something like,  "If humans want to survive in the future they really need to start improving their sense of smell to get better readings on the health of the way they live and the health of the world they live in."

Maybe we need to start concentrating heavily on advancing "smell" technology to help sniff out the current health of this world and beyond!

Makes sense to me even if the logic my mind used to get to this conclusion is a little weird.

Update 03/29/2014 -The above interpretations of my "weevil" dream were documented on 03/26/2014. Three days later I am documenting the fact that the "weevil" dream has already proven to be predictive of real life events I experienced after the dream.
One day after the "weevil" dream there was a "NOVA" television show (on the night of 3/26/2014) I watched on TV with both the "weevil" and "sense of smell" images in it. This show had key words/phrases matching my "weevil" dream the night before.

The TV show I watched showed how weevils and moth larvae attack wild tobacco plants in the Utah desert. The show highlighted how the wild tobacco plants assess the type of insects attacking them and how the plants react with various "smell" tactics to protect themselves from being harmed by these insects. For example, if the plant determines a particular type of moth larvae is eating all of its leaves it starts releasing special "bubbles" of smelly chemicals" on their stalks. The voracious moth larvae love to eat these smelly bubbles. After eating the smelly bubbles on the stalks of the wild tobacco plant, the moth larvae produce a distinct odor. Moth larvae predators are attracted to this distinct odor and eat the moth larvae on the wild tobacco plants. This odor induced defense mechanism helps reduce the wild tobacco plant's leaf damage caused by moth larvae. The wild tobacco plant uses smell a lot as a weapon for survival in its environment.

My dream interpretation matches the key ideas explained in the Nova TV show.
I certainly wasn't looking for TV shows with images of specific types of weevils known to aggressively burrow into wild tobacco plants to lay their eggs or how plants use smell to protect themselves.

The "sense of smell" is a powerful weapon of survival for wild tobacco plants in the harsh Utah desert environment.My predictive dream the night before the TV show indicated the "sense of smell" is important for many species now and in the future.
How the predictive dreams' key words/phrases and images in dreams relate to real life events are not at all clear until the real life event occurs days, weeks or  months afterwards. This particular dream and the Nova TV show are pointing out how important the "sense of smell" is to successful species on earth. Scientists didn't even know about the wild tobacco plant's intricate use of smells as a weapon against harmful insects until now. My predictive dream seems to be stressing the fact these real life events I am picking up in my dreams before they occur are emotionally charged and most likely extremely important to species survival on earth in the future.

"Pay more attention to the sense of smell!"
These predictive, cryptic dreams are the way the subconscious mind communicates ideas. I believe, it is one of the ways humans have been able to survive. My conscious mind seems to be getting better at interpreting the real meaning of these cryptic dreams ahead of time, as well.

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