Saturday, October 26, 2013

10-21-2013 Three Year Old Shoe Shiners

I had an odd, memorable dream on 10/21/2013. The image was of a child around three years old shining shoes on a city street. I laughed in my dream because the person getting their shoes shined seemed to be oblivious of the fact the three year old was making quite the mess with shoe polish all over the customer's nice white socks, all over the child's hands and smeared all over the customer's shoes.

Not sure what it means or what future, real life event it could possibly predict.

Taking the key words from the dream maybe there is some hidden meaning.

Three year old shoe shiner, shoe polish, customer, oblivious, city street, white socks, mess, smeared, child's hands.

I'll have to think about it...

I know what it means...came to me at 12:37 am in the morning after sleeping soundly for a couple of hours after entering this blog earlier in the day.

The 10-21-2013 dream's meaning is obvious now. Not a predictive dream. Just a subconscious statement. Amazing!

The image in the dream with the three year old shoe shiner making a mess of the customer's shoe is my subconscious way of stating "big business is totally oblivious to what the little guy is doing!"

A very timely dream considering the US debt crisis we just went through and the way members of Congress totally ignored how it affected the individuals depending on them.

So the little guy in my dream is making his mark on the big guy's socks and shoes while the big guy is totally ignoring him.

Love the symbolic reference my subconscious mind came up with.

My subconscious has a sense of humor!

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