Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dream on 6/11/2013 SIOX in the State of ???

I had a dream on 6/11/2013. It was a city in the US State of ...can't remember. I want to say Missouri.

All I can remember it was "SIOX in the state of..." It was a Chinese and American cooperative venture.

I think I have had this dream before.

The SIOX part was clearly spelled out in my dream.

What is usually important are the actual words or the sounds of the words.


I don't know what it means at this point, maybe it is "Seahawks in the state of misery"

If so, the Seattle Seahawk football team may be in trouble this coming football season!

Update 8/2/2013:

Harvin of the SeaHawks apparently was in misery on 7/30/2013.

 Seattle's Harvin to have surgery

Sports Illustrated Jul 30 05:19pm

Update 10/13/2013 -  Or maybe Chinese/American relations will be in a state of misery if we default on timely payments to China because of the current government shutdown and the inability of Congress to pass a budget for the government. With all the "we are at war" dreams I've also had this is a scary time for the US for many reasons.

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