Monday, December 24, 2012

12-24-2012 Feelings of Extreme Uncertainty, Apprehension

I am really having trouble sleeping tonight. I have great feelings of uncertainty. I feel like something is not right. I am apprehensive of this next year. All I know from my past dreams is the number 13 is significant.

When I say to myself '2013". I do not have calm feelings. I have unsettled and ominous feelings. I have a feeling significant events will happen in 2013. Whether these are personal events or worldwide. I don't know. I may be picking up a major global mindset right now. People around the world are very uncertain of the future right now.

Key words/images from dreams I have had in the past couple of days are:

Glimpses of the ocean floor cracking and dropping four inches or more. Multiple shards of melting glaciers, ice blue in color, with a young girl's head bobbing up and down in the freezing water.

Major events happening to me personally or the world, in 2013, is not necessarily all bad. 2013 is not a year you should sit back and watch go by. Be prepared for an intensity requiring an alert state of mind.

Now maybe I can go back to sleep. This predictive awareness has  a negative side to it. Messes me up with too much intensity sometimes.

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