Friday, August 10, 2012

Key words from my dream on July 14th, 2012 happened to me in real life August 1st, 2012

I broke my arm falling off a ladder on August 1st, 2012. Looking at key words from the July 14th, 2012 dream I had reveals the following key word/phrase matches between the real life event and my predictive dream. Deja Vu!

July 14th Dream...

It was too hot last night so I stayed up late and watched a documentary about a guy that goes around the world asking gurus, psychiatrists, preachers and even kids "Why do we exist?" "Do you believe in God?"...really deep, thought provoking questions. So just before I wake up on 7/14/2012 I have the following dream:

I come into what I think is my living room and all these late twenty early thirties people start arriving. I don't know any of them. I look at one of them and say "This isn't my house is it?" They answer back with a puzzled expression "I don't think so."

So I walk out of the house and start walking down a paved road. I look up and there is this massive mountain. It is so large I can't see all of it even by craning my neck back and looking way up into the sky. Someone walks by and smiles at me as if to say "Isn't it beautiful!" I keep walking down the paved road. I come to a stop sign. I look up again into the sky. The stop sign seems to stretch high into the air. It appears to be holding a massively huge disk in the sky from falling on me. It is a tan colored disk with strange unintelligible phrases, etched in stone circling the massive disk. My logical mind tells me it looks like a "Rosetta Stone". Another person walks by and I ask them what it is.

They tell me it is a reflection in a lake and something about how it should be taken out of the lake at some point.

By then my physical body is totally disoriented. I don't know up from down. I feel like I am falling into what I thought was the sky but is really a lake.

My brain can't handle it.

I look at the road and hesitate to go further. The road is no longer paved and appears to be in a wilderness area. It turns sharply to the right.

I wake up. My body is reeling. It is the feeling you get when you don't know up from down in your mind.Your body goes into a panic mode because it is afraid you have no control of what is up and what is down. Your brain thinks it is going to fall into what you thought was the sky but turned out really to be a reflection in a lake. It is an awful feeling of losing control of your senses.

I think the dream is a warning.

The August 1st real life event of breaking my arm matches all the key words/phrases in the above 7/14 dream explanation. The August 1st accident happened while working on a house I bought in Kellogg, Idaho right on the side of a mountain. It was not my primary residence.

Standing on the third step from the top step ladder for quite awhile. The tan primed sheet of T11 plywood was awkward to hold and slipped from my hands only to be stopped from hitting the ground by my step ladder. All of a sudden the step ladder buckled and flipped me up so I was diving to the ground, head first, from 12 feet up. After hitting the ground with my right elbow my senses were reeling. I tried to stand up and my right arm went limp and flopped forward. I used my left arm to support the broken Humerus bone of the right arm and my helper got me to my car and he drove me to the hospital. I was sweating like I was in a shower and everything was turning white. The pre-primed piece of T11 plywood I was holding up when the ladder buckeled was square with tan primer and a strong wood grain. The wood grain could be interpreted in a dream as strange markings. The x-rays of my right arm showed a clean break of the right arm's Humerus bone into two pieces. I had surgery on August 2nd, 2012. The 'disk' in the dream could be a cross section of my broken Humerus bone with the  'jagged' edge of the broken bone matching the strange 'jagged' markings around the disk I remember from my dream. The surgeon had to 'fish' out the two broken pieces of my Humerus bone in my arm and shove a long rod right through the middle of the broken Humerus bone to make the two broken pieces of bone whole again. He super glued skin lesions instead of stitching them so no more visits to the doctor are necessary to take out any stiches.
This August 1st, 2012 real life event is freaky close to the key words and phrases from the July 14th dream. "It turns sharply right!" An exact match to what the ladder did when it buckled and what my right Humerus bone did when it broke!

Could this accident have been prevented if I was more aware of the matching key words and phrases from my dream two weeks earlier while I was working on the Idaho house?

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