Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Significant Dream 7/11/2012

Update on 09/10/2012:

My wife and I just returned from Europe. Like the dream predicted in this blog we had a fantastic time in France. Amboise, France, south of Paris in the Loire Valley, was especially memorable during our 12 day vacation in France.

Original Post:

The 11th through the13th of each month is when siginificant things happen in my life. My dream this morning (7/11/2012) is significant enough for me to postulate an idea regarding the "cryptic" language the subconscious mind uses to capture future events at the quantum physics level.

I had a dream right before I woke up about a fun place my wife and I were staying in Europe. We have a trip planned for Europe later this summer so my conscious mind said "Hey, this place in your dream is significant. I want to remember the name of it when I wake up!"

My subconscious mind responds with the name "JMargo"! So the first thing I thought to do when I woke up was to go on the internet and type in "JMargo" and see what hits I get- first guess was some Spanish place. But my conscious, logical mind came back stating that is not logical. You are not going to any place Spanish. I did check. First page of hits were all "J. Margo"- all names of doctors! My conscious mind rejected the internet results as not significant.

So then I get an "aha!" moment and realize my subconscious mind's response is in the cryptic language it uses to capture, interpret and record significant past and future events at a quantum physics level in my dream state.

My conscious, logical mind starts iterating through its store of logical words from my past history and comes up with the phonetics (sounds) of the start of my wife's first name, my first name and the verb "Go!"

That sounds out to be "jay mar go"!

Logically my subconscious mind's response was "One of the places where my wife and I go in Europe at the end of the summer!" The event has not happened yet. My subconscious mind had no context to work out any more details other than "JMargo!" How could it give me more details on something that has not happened yet?

So then I have another "aha!" moment.

I dare to even postulate the cryptic, shorthand language my subconscious mind uses to capture significant future events is the same phonetic based language babies use to learn how to talk!

"Jay mar go." Isn't that the way a baby talks? Doesn't it make total sense this primitive, phonetic language babies use to learn how to talk is the same language our subconscious mind uses to filter out significant events in my future at a quantum physical level of awareness and record them in my mind at a primitive, phonetic level of communication?

Makes sense to me! Very significant!

I'm in my monthly significance zone! :-)

Note added 7/15/2012: The documentary I watched and blogged about on 7/14/2012 interviewed some knowledgeable people in the area of psychiatry. They indicated the subconscious is formed at a very early age in a child's development so it makes even more sense the language of the subconscious is baby talk.
Note to self:  I should start referencing my previous blogs where key ideas from previous dreams are used to interpret current dreams I am blogging about.

Side Note: Just came back from a week "Watercolor workshop with Gary Spetz" near outrageously gorgeous Glacier National Park. Attaching my watercolor workshop paintings just for fun.

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