Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dream of Things to Come - Early on 6/23/2012

I had a memorable dream early this morning. I was chatting with a man and a women in their office. Their job had something to do with the stock market. What impressed me right away was a mirror covering a whole wall on one side of their office. There were multiple screens open with impressive clarity in the dispayed computer screen images. I expressd my awe of the clarity of their virtual, multi-screen computer displays on what appeared to be an ordinary mirror (covering one whole wall). The lady pointed back to a projector on the wall opposite the mirrored wall. She said the projector was creating the virtual computer screens on the mirrored wall.

Is this future technology not invented yet?

How did the projector display such clear images, on what appeared to be an ordinary mirror, of multiple, virtual, computer screens?

I remember having a dream like this previously. I was excited about the invention of thin, portable image displays. The connection to that dream is the specific callout for a black background layer needed to make this technology work. An ordinary mirror has a black background.I believe they use or used to use silver to provide the mirror's reflective properties.

So this is the second dream I have had where "black background technology" is being used for super clear, portable displays of images from a computer.

Are pixel screens dead in the future?

I guess we can only wait and see!

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