Friday, March 02, 2012

Memorable Dream around 2/24/2012

I've been really busy the past few weeks teaching a college class in "Introduction to Information Technology" so haven't had time to post anything here in the past month. Around 2/24/2012 I did have a memorable. I was hiking and came across a placer mine. It appeared to be abandoned so I went down the arid terrain to view it closer. It had a weathered, wooden "carport" like covering. The exposed rocks were exposed  on the steep side of a hill with the carport like covering above the exposed rock. The rocks were quartz with multiple colors of red, yellow and purple. I had never seen such beautifully colored rocks before. Then I turn away from the rocks. There is a lean, fairly young man staring at me with a look that made me feel he was ready to strangle me. Apparently this was his claim.

This dream matches my conclusion that the predictive dreams I have are usually charged with some sort of strong emotion.

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