Tuesday, December 27, 2011

House I built or lived in is damaged - 12/26/2011

I had a dream there was a house I was touring for water damage. It was a beautiful home with a white grand piano and  a lot of nice touches like Greek/Roman columns and heated floors. I remember being confused as to whether I really had owned this house or whether it was just a part of my dream. The house was damaged by water- very recently The water was still in the house and it was clear instead of discolored.

The dream images were very detailed.

I suspect it will be a part of my personal future experience at some point. Not sure about the key words since it was so detailed. Clear images of white grand pianos, the wiring for heated floors, and fancy columns on either side of a short, broad set of marble steps going up to another room. The house was retangular in shape and not overly ornate on the outside. The house appeared to be partially made out of brick.

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