Sunday, February 07, 2010

02/06/2010 - I swear I saw a ghost!

I want to just accept the logic of old scrooge in the Christmas Carol and pass off my ghost sighting as an indigestion problem, but it was too clear to ignore. Last night I was having a dream. There is always someone chasing me lately. I don't know why. Anyway, I started hogging the bed and my wife must have nudged me to move over. Her nudge woke me up and I looked over to her side of the bed and said "What!". To my surprise sitting over on the bottom portion of her side of the bed was a lean-looking dude in a tee shirt and blue jeans flipping a chain around his neck in a boring fashion. I thought it might be a military dog tag. He casually looked at me and moved off the bed. This character had nothing to do with what I was dreaming about. I just woke up, looked over, and there he was! It was so out of context with what I was dreaming about that I have to say it had to be a ghost! First time I have ever been in the remotest way ever seen one before. Makes you wonder how I was able to do it. I was definitely in between a state of sleeping and being awake. There is a semi-subconscious state that allows people to see ghosts! I know I was semi-conscious because I could hear my wife quietly snoring. It would be cool to figure out the exact semi-conscious state you have to be in to see ghosts!

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