Monday, January 25, 2010

Jan 20 thru Jan 24th 2010 - "Ten lords a leaping"

January 20th, 2010 I saw oozing, bubbling magma in a dream.

January 22nd, 2010 I saw 4 or 5 tigers leaping from a hill. Woke up thinking about the "Ten lords a leaping" phrase in the "12 Days of Christmas" song. Researched that phrase on the internet. The first day of Christmas in the song is December 25th which means the 10th day of Christmas is January 3rd. Reference to Theophany celebrations around that time are revealed from my internet search and the Theophany celebration is usually on the Sunday between January 2nd and 8th of each year.

January 23rd, 2010 I am hiding behind a big rock and looking across a raging river at a person trying to find me! That person was full of rage!

January 24th, 2010 I saw bubbling, oozing mud in a dream and lots of it!

Early morning of January 25th, 2010 My deceased aunt came to visit me in a dream. She asked me how I was coming along with creating content for my web addresses I recently purchased. I said she seemed to know alot about me! She said, "You have no idea!"

Now that was a memorable dream! Before my aunt died she had told me once that if I didn't lose some weight she would come back to haunt me in my shower! I did lose 25 pounds recently so I knew that wasn't why she came back to visit me!

Anyway, in the dream I just had, she told me the websites are full of garbage content right now so I need do something with them. These are the and web sites I was going to establish a presence for the "predictive dream" phenomena that happens each month around my birth day and I write about in this blog. Odd thing was I woke up when I was still having this dream and the last image I saw were two blank paper registration forms I apparently needed to fill out.

Oozing, bubbling magma and mud and raging rivers...possible volcanic activity coming soon with melting ice and mud flows. Not sure where. Could be up to 22 months from now before this happens. Update 05/15/2010...Tbe Eyjafjallajokull Iceland volcanoe eruption entered a second phase on April 14, 2010 and resulted in a Volcanic Explosivity Index of 4.

Leaping tigers- "lords of the jungle". Not sure what that has to do with the Christmas song but did find reference to celebrations of "ancient sitings of God" around the 10th day of Christmas which happens to be the 3rd day of January of each year. The "Theophany" celebrations usually happen on the Sunday between the 2nd and the 8th of January which, in January of 2012, falls 5 days after the 3rd of January.

My aunt, on the other hand, thinks it is important for me to get some content out there on the "Birthday Phenomena" websites but I am trying to figure out how to fill the blank forms. That is, I am not sure what kind of content to put out on those websites.

Update 1/28/2010: One of my aunts, my father's sister, the last of the surviving children on my father's side, passed away the very next morning on 1/26/2010: "I am sad to let you know that your Aunt *** and dear friend passed away this morning in the ***** Regional Hospital from a massive heart attack." Is that just pure chance? I'm not so sure...Both aunts I mentioned would have no problem telling me what they think!

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