Tuesday, November 10, 2009

11-10-2009 Little Green Men?

Not in my dream! They were light silver and appeared almost "window screen mesh" in texture. My dream on November 8th or 9th, 2009 had aliens walking out of a spaceship. They had the egg head, large eyes, and narrow chin. They had slight builds, long skinny arms and legs. Looked like the typical aliens you see on TV! My impression was they looked amazingly relaxed walking out of the space ship...like they had been here before! It was a very short dream. What is weird about it is there was no context around the dream. It was like a short clip from a movie. I have not been watching alien movies lately and the dream was so short I almost decided not to mention it. It did remind me to also mention my wife and I were driving West on I-90 in the summer of 2009, where I live, and we saw a fast moving, flying object come from the north east. across the freeway. It flew in a SW direction from the freeway, in front of us, at a high speed- equivalent to a fast moving plane but at the height a helicopter flies. There was no helicopter noise. We both thought for sure it was going to crash. Instead it just disappeared right before our eyes! We both said..."That was weird!" So the combination of my dream and that event makes me think we may be visited in the next 22 months! Who knows! Revised post: 11/11/2009 I just found out they have a movie out right now that deals with alien abduction. Maybe I am picking up a movie clip! Need to go see "The Fourth Kind" and see what the aliens look like! Also, I just received my National Geographic magazine for December 2009 titled "Are We Alone?" Definitely some global vibes regarding aliens right now that I may have subconsciously picked up (updated blog on 11/17/2009).

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