Friday, July 25, 2008

Another major mountain blows it's top by May or June of 2010??

I saw in a dream that another major mountain had blown a large portion of it's top off। Don't know where। The vision was very clear in my dream। That usually means it will happen. If my predictions are consistent it should happen in about a year and 10 months from now!! Yikes! May or June of 2010.

- Update 01/29/2009 Looks like a mountain in Alaska might blow. My first impression from my dream was that it would be Mt. Adams in Washington state. The two mountains look similar from some pictures I've seen online. "Alaskans brace for Redoubt Volcano eruption (AP)"

- Update 03/23/2009 Mt Redoubt blew on 2009-03-22 22:56:25 - VAN/VONA
- Original prediction was on 07/25/2008.
Marcas Major

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