Thursday, January 25, 2007

Decisions, Decisions: A Crossroad in Space and Time.

Are we going to spend all our money on space probes that go towards the center of our galaxy or are we going to spend all our money on space probes that try to reach other galaxies in the universe?

My opinion...
We should spend all our money on space probes that go towards the center of our galaxy. Why? Because, as I point out in my "Religion of One (The Pighne Theory)" book, mass matters. It is where the action is! The decision is akin to deciding whether you want to go for a drive on a country road with little traffic or drive into the big city where all the action is.

You ever wonder why we don't get too many alien visitors out here on earth? It is because there ain't much out here to see! Other worlds have probably figured out that visiting our planet is kind of a waste of time. It is going totally in the wrong direction!

If you want to learn more about life you go to where the action is! Go towards the center of the galaxy. You will get more bang for your buck!

Our universe is an unusual place. It is an exaggeration of space and time. Space and time have been stretched to the limit because of the Big Bang explosion. It is not the way it used to be. It is probably more abnormal than it is normal. We live in a wasteland. We float in a sea of broken pieces that were once whole.

A fundamental decision needs to be made some day. A crossroad in space and time. Which way should we go?

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