Creepy Deja vu. Russia just invaded Ukraine for real on 02-24-22. Same as my 06-24-2013 blog day...
Religion of One: Dream 6-24-2013 I am stuck on the northern shore o... Religion of One: 02/19/2014 Russiaka - A Beautiful but Dangerous Ne..., February 26, 2022
Saturday, February 19, 2022
02-19-2022 Back To The Old Rebel Me.
I had a dream in the early morning of 02-19-2022. I was visiting a very rich, very conservative, older couple at their estate somewhere. The whole family had gathered for dinner all washed up and dressed impeccably. I was outside climbing the back of their house like spiderman with what appeared to be a spunky, down-syndrome girl following close behind me. She was probably in her early teens and I was in my early twenties.
I started to get a little frightened and tapped on the window for the people who had sat down to dinner to open the window so I and my follower could crawl through the window and avoid a two-story fall to the hard ground.
The next scene ensued. I was being yelled at for being so reckless. I was told the girl I was climbing with had tried doing this before and had fallen to the ground.
I hotly replied, "Let me guess, all of you are Republican! You think you are better than everyone else!"
I paused and they looked down a little like they were feeling guilty or trying to hold their tempers.
Then I sarcastically said, "We all know, no one is better than me!"
The next scene faded to the elder man whispering with someone in the kitchen. He looked frustrated as he quickly spoke. He kept shaking his head back and forth.
I have always been very independent with a strong sense of what is right and wrong. My hot temper flares or emotional outbursts got me in trouble, sometimes, growing up. Instead of walking away from something I see is wrong I tend to speak my peace of mind and stand my ground.
I do not hold grudges and often make fun of my emotional statements to lighten the mood, afterward, but that is not often taken well either.
My Model of the Universe and Beyond
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04-07-2023 A little voice in my head encouraged me to post these two tweets that are still relevant today so here you go…. Dreaming, early ...
Happy New Year! I just published "The Religion of One" book in paperback form. It is available on and www.barnesand...