Friday, October 26, 2018

10-25-2018 Dream of Ascending Into Heaven- By An Elevator

Initially I didn't want to post this because it is silly. I had a dream around 10-22-2018 where I was going up in an elevator. The elevator door opened and I saw several twenty-something adults chatting in small groups. Their dress was fairly colorful,  but not gaudy. Color in the afterlife seems to be very important.

My initial thought of this dream, like in a previous dream I had, was the feeling I had "ascended" into heaven for a look around. I, again, immediately noticed how genuinely nice and non-threatening the people were.

Definitely a nice place to end up in the afterlife!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

10-21-2018 Unsettled Feelings Regarding An Imminent Earthquake

I am starting to feel like I need to be more careful about where I put fragile items because I have the unsettling feeling there is going to be a major earthquake coming my way soon.

I am not claiming to be able to predict when earthquakes happen. I am just expressing my unusual, subconscious feelings a major earthquake may happen sooner than later near me.

Update: 11/30/2018 There Was A Major Earthquake

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

10-17-2018 Dream About Making Energy From Rotating Water and Light

I had a weird dream early this morning regarding water and light. It was as if my dream was trying to tell me we haven't thought of all the ways you can create energy. Then I saw an image of the inside of a rotating drum of water. Somehow the projection of , I assume, a powerful ray of light on the water made the sealed drum of water rotate. The strong beam of light shining on the water was enough to make the drum rotate and produce electricity. Not sure how this would work but the water was churning around and around and almost looked like a tidal wave of raw power.

Cool idea. Not sure how to make it work though. 

Sunday, October 14, 2018

10-14-2018 Psychedelic Mushrooms in Washington State, USA and Why People Believe In God

My neighbor and I went for a hike. He pointed out the mushroom in this photo and said it was the most psychedelic mushroom in Washington state. Interesting history on this mushroom...Per Wikipedia..."No mushroom presents more of an enigma than the fly agaric, Amanita muscaria. It is the most recognizable mushroom on the planet, and is widely known as the hallucinatory ‘shroom responsible for Alice’s trip into Wonderland and quite possibly our beloved images of a red-suited Santa Claus and his flying reindeer."

In the mid-seventies, at a college party, I stupidly accepted a tablespoon of sautéed mushrooms and then another tablespoon an hour later when nothing happened. Five hours later these sautéed mushrooms kicked in and I couldn't turn my mind off for twenty-four hours straight. 

When they say powerful psychedelic mushrooms they aren't kidding. How anyone thinks being totally out-of-control of your mind's racing thoughts for 24 hours is fun is beyond me. It was horrible! Too strong. Never again...

After about twelve hours I thought it was so stupid to not be able to stop thinking I decided to at least think of something thought provoking. I tried to figure out why people believe in God. My conclusion after 12 hours of mind racing thoughts was, "Because they need to- just like they need to eat and sleep."

Thursday, October 11, 2018

10-11-2018 I Wonder If Part of Old Age Short Term Memory Loss and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Are Related

I just had a random thought. Maybe certain old age short term memory loss and old age hearing loss symptoms are similar to the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) symptom of being unable to filter out multiple sources of sounds to the point of being overwhelmed. Maybe your brain just shuts down when you are older just like people with ADD due to too much unfiltered stimulation causing lack of concentration and short term memory loss.

Just a thought.

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

10-09-2018 My Latest Watercolor Painting

Second watercolor assignment for a class I'm taking. I'm calling this "Summer in Western United States" due to all the fires and asthma causing smoke we had.

Sunday, October 07, 2018

10-07-2018 After their brains were connected, people were able to share thoughts

I mentioned in the book, "My Subconscious Mind" my belief our human minds are linked together at a level where we are able to pickup highly emotional thoughts of other people around the world via a web-like level of connection- perhaps in another dimension where time and space are negligible.

There was a recent study at the University of Washington where they electronically linked three minds together and were successful in sharing thoughts between the interconnected brains. This is verification a web-like connection between minds is indeed possible.


After their brains were connected, people were able to share thoughts

Friday, October 05, 2018

10-05-2018 I Keep Finding Dimes

In the past four days I have found four dimes. Seems odd. Apparently this may mean angels and loved ones are watching out for me and they are telling me to keep thinking positively and things will work out for the best- according to this internet source...

I also had a dream during the early morning of 10-05-2018 where I was surprised I felt unsafe and scared in a situation where I was on a steep slope barely hanging on to a wall of rock and frozen ice in front of me. I was with some very professional rock climbers.

Looking closer at the scene in my dream I discovered the professionals were wearing ice crampons on their shoes and all I had were some  trail running shoes. I noticed the snow and ice beneath my feet was quite slippery and slushy. 

My logical, conscious mind came to the conclusion this dream was a warning many lives will be lost in the near future because people are simply not prepared or even expecting the severe changes in the climate at all elevations in the world. One degree difference in temperature can make the difference between ice and slippery slush.

We should be preparing for the extreme climate changes ahead of time and train people on what they need to survive these severe climate changes. We need to start this awareness campaign now!

My Model of the Universe and Beyond

09-19-2016 Could Our Universe Be on The Surface of a Planet Made of Dark Matter?

Could our Universe be on the surface of a planet made of dark matter? Could black holes simply be tornadoes on the surface of this dark mat...