Wednesday, February 25, 2015

02-24-2015 The Dream that Bit Back and a Hypothesis to Chew On Yourself!

I had a dream on 02-24-2015. This is the day of the month of my birth and I created this blog to note the predictive quality of dreams around my birth day each month. I published a book about it called "The Birthday Phenomena".

On 02-24-2015  my dream kept going on and on and on. I can't remember what it was about but it was like a soap opera. The dream was slow and tedious. My logical mind finally cut in and said,

"I have better things to do than continue with this dream. It is like it is being read from a script and is mundane and boring."

An almost vicious voice in  my dream responded with something like,

"That is exactly the point being made here. There is so much TV brainwashing our youth with simplified scripts that leave out all the details of sorrow and misery and leave in details of characters that glorify weakness, dishonesty, immoral behavior and rewards for killing and inflicting pain on humans."

This marks another "Birthday Phenomena" dream I believe predicts future events in my life.

Intense, emotional dreams I have around my birth day each month are a good predictor of future events I will experience.

I believe this dream is predicting a near future wave of significant, news-worthy events and highly emotional discussions about how the TV and the Internet are brainwashing our youth into thinking what they see in the media is the truth and how you can be rewarded in this world if you act in the warped visions of reality the TV and Internet display.

The strong emotions spawning the predictive dreams I have is startling to me.

I just don't have the kind of passion for the subjects displayed in these emotional, predictive dreams around my birth day each month.

I have come to the conclusion I am not so much a predictor of future events, myself.

I am more of a medium or a channel of strong emotions from other sources here on earth and perhaps people who have already passed on. I seem to be an  "open channel" for strong emotional statements emanating from other foreign sources around the day of my birth (the 24th ) each month.

These emotional dreams seem to come out of nowhere but they end up being very relevant to real life events I experience weeks or several months after the dream occurs.

Quantifiable Results

This "Birthday Phenomena" seems to be quantifiable. If a "phenomena" can be quantified then there is an opportunity to define a new "law of physics" to explain why the "Birthday Phenomena" occurs on a specific day each month.

Here are my quantifiable observations and a possible hypothesis from my quantifiable observations.

The day of my birth is a specific number, 24. Another observation of mine is...

Major, predicted events from my dreams often happen on the 12th of a month following a predictive dream I have around the 24th of each month. Sometimes the events happen right on the 24th day of a particular month following the predictive dream.

There are 24 hours in a day. Twelve is used as a standard unit of measure in the modern world. Twelve inches equals one foot...etc. How did they come up with that? Maybe our ancestors noticed twelve as a repeating unit of measure in the natural world around them. Twelve units kept popping up when they measured the time or length of common objects and cycles in nature around them.


Maybe the real, quantifiable value is 6 not 12.

Didn't Mt. St. Helens in Washington State blow it's top on May 18th...a multiple of 6. Sunday is the 7th day of our week. Historically we can only handle six days of activity and the seventh day of the week is supposed to be a day of rest for us humans.

Also, I just remembered a Jewish lady told my the number 18 signifies "life" historically in the Jewish religion. The number 18 is derived from the Hebrew "Chai" symbol meaning "life"...


In Jewish culture[edit]

Maccabia medals with Chai symbol
The Chai symbol can be worn by Jews as a medallion around the neck, similarly to other Jewish symbols, such as the Star of David and the Hamsa.
In Hebrew, the related word chaya means "living thing" or "animal", and is derived from the Hebrew word chai (חי), meaning "life".
Jews often give gifts and donations in multiples of 18, which is called "giving chai". Mailings from Jewish charities usually suggest the amounts to give in multiples of chai (18, 36, 54, dollars, etc.) rather than the usual multiples of 25.
It appears in the slogan "ʿam yisraʾel ḥay!" (עַם יִשְרָאֵל חַי, "The people of Israel lives!").[3]

Twenty four is a multiple of 6 or 12. It is logical to hypothesize 6 or a multiple of the 6th day of each month could be a day when emotionally significant life changing events occur in our physical or metaphysical world.

I have also observed the number 13 is historically noted by Mayans and Christian, alike, for significant events. The Mayans chose it to be a day of renewal...a day when a major life cycle start over. The Virgin Mary has been identified with the number 13 with the first letter of her name 'M' being the 13th letter of the alphabet. The Virgin Mary represents the birth of Jesus who was born to provide renewal of human faith in God. There were 13 apostles at the "Last Supper".

Perhaps the 6th day of each month (or a multiple of it) represents the natural peak of a physical, emotional and metaphysical life cycle in humans or the universe.


I am proposing the following hypothesis to either prove or disprove.

Humans peak emotionally and physically, and cycles in nature occur in multiples of 6 units of measure.

For example, at the end of each 6 day cycle (or a multiple of six days) we are at a peak of emotional awareness. This heightened emotional state at the end of a multiple six day cycle opens us up to a higher awareness of activity going on at the quantum physics level. We can pick up on things happening in our dreams from the quantum physics level of existence we are not normally aware of.

If this hypothesis of a natural six day cycle is true for humans it provides a way for us to measure and record events far beyond our three dimensional world and will allow us to predict emotional, future events. Just track and try to predict activity at the end of a six unit of measure cycle and at different levels of our existence. What patterns do you see? Were you able to predict future events from what you measured and recorded?

Friday, February 13, 2015

02-13-2015 Observed a Group of Ghosts By My Bedroom Window

Once in a long while, I observe something paranormal in real life while I am perfectly awake and alert. Sometimes I feel like I should not report these observations. It is easier and less risky to just ignore them.

If I ignored my paranormal observations it would defeat the purpose of this blog so...

About a week and a half ago (around 02-03-2015) I went to bed and was squinting my eyes towards our draped, rather tall, bedroom windows before I went to sleep. I squinted because a couple years back I noticed if I squinted my eyes I see more of the play with shadows of black and white in my darkened bedroom. Squinting seemed to eliminate a lot of the color from my view in a darkened room.

What I observed were a group of almost colorless "ghosts" against the background of my bedroom windows.

Never seen that before!

I could see a distinct group of almost colorless, life sized figures chatting in front of my bedroom drapes!

The group of ghosts figures were each outlined in a silver,  almost shimmering, mercurial color with a mainly transparent body surface I could see the bedroom drapes through.

The group of ghosts were were dressed in what appeared to be late, Victorian era hats, petticoats, etc.

I admit this kind of freaked me out a little bit but I was very curious and continued to squint my eyes, maintain my composure and make some logical reality checks of my situation...

Am I awake?

     "Yes, I am talking to my wife at the same time as I am observing this strange anomaly."

Am I still seeing what I think I see?

     "Yes, They are still there and I swear a lady in the group of ghosts just waved to me."

I remember her hands had what I assume were formal, white gloves on. The gloves were now transparent but outlined in shimmering grey.

The group of ghosts appeared to be casually talking about me because I noticed they occasionally tilted their heads towards me while still talking in a calm recognition of my existence.

I couldn't hear a word they were saying.

I asked myself, at the time, "Should I freak out?

"No. They don't seem to really care I can see them and they can see me. I'm tired and want to go to sleep."


I don't expect to see this group of  "ghost" figures tomorrow because that is the first time I have ever observed anything like that in my life. It isn't like it is an everyday occurrence.

Pretty weird.

Not too many people would admit they saw a group of ghosts in front of their bedroom windows. Maybe if more people admitted to paranormal observations there would be more genuine, scientific research initiated on this strange phenomena.

I'm old enough not to care what people will think of me after documenting situations like this.

I know people read this blog...over 15000 to date. Maybe this blog will help free your mind of what you think you know and help you start observing and documenting what you really see!

The power of one person can be amazing.

I am noticing more proposals challenging the status quo of the science world. For example, a group of scientist from Canada and Egypt just proposed a new model of how the Universe began. They threw the idea of the "Big Bang" singularity time frame out of the window. They are saying maybe we should think about eliminating time and space from the equation altogether. Maybe we should start thinking about a universe that never began and will never end!
I know I proposed similar ideas like this in a few of my previous blogs and book publications.

"We should start thinking about the roots of our existence at more of a quantum physics level where space and time have minimal relevance or no relevance at all."

A noteworthy pattern I noticed happening at least three times now with this latest "ghost" group observation in this blog is...

"I find myself interacting with people from the Victorian Age in some paranormal situations."

I have no idea why I would be interacting with Victorian Age people in my dreams and in real life.

I don't consider myself in anyway a fanatic of the Victorian Age.

My Model of the Universe and Beyond

09-19-2016 Could Our Universe Be on The Surface of a Planet Made of Dark Matter?

Could our Universe be on the surface of a planet made of dark matter? Could black holes simply be tornadoes on the surface of this dark mat...